Please get in touch to discuss your requirements.
- Suite 5, 2 Gemstone Boulevard, Carine, Perth, Western Australia
- Local 0417 447 799
- Intl +61 417 447 799
Infinity Eco Solutions International helps governments, industry and communities deal with legacy landfill sites and PFAS in the environment.
Municipal solid waste generated annually worldwide
Global waste generation by 2050
Our technologies can help governments, industry and communities remediate landfills and waste, and deal with detrimental elements such as PFAS.
Scroll down for details of Infinity Eco Fuel and PFAS Remediation solutions.
Infinity Eco Fuel is playing its part in the world’s waste management strategy.
We have the technology and know-how to assist in the remediation of legacy landfill sites.
Our specialised process turns landfill into fuel to provide base load power.
PFAS are per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances – a group of over 4000 chemicals.
Our technology can assist with environmental remediation of PFAS, radioactive materials, heavy metals, oil spills, volatile organic compounds and pesticides.
Our executive team has 50+ years’ accumulated experience in waste management, international project development, power generation, and more.
Infinity ESI USA
Infinity ESI INDIA
Please get in touch to discuss your requirements.